Friday, March 14, 2014

Stinky Showers and boats on sticks

Over the last years when we were with my mom Margie and Steve's mom Sarah I helped them with their shower- they always balked I think because it was such a pain and so tiring but I would always tell them that they would feel so much better I would get on my bathing suit, go in there with them and help them cleaned up- after they got dressed and their hair done ( in my moms case, taken to "hairdo" after- she loved going to the beauty parlor!) they would both feel so much better, I would say they felt "sparkly" and they would agree. A shower feels so good.

When we got to our boat on the "sticks" (the official term is on the hard, but there are just a bunch of metal sticks holding the boat from tipping over), the manager of the boat yard said to not put the well water in the boat because it smelled like rotten eggs. So here is my dilemma- would I feel cleaner using "personal wipes" ( baby wipes for adults aka "Navy bath" or standing under a nice hot shower...that smells like rotten eggs? The boatyard has showers with the well water.

It turns out the the latter was better- I felt clean, only slightly egg smelling; nothing like a hot fact I smell sparkly.

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