Wednesday, March 26, 2014


We got up early to go to Fernandina Beach- we had heard so much about it- everyone we would talk to said we had to go there! So we got up early, and for some reason the toilets wouldn't flush. Steve went down below and checked the batteries....and they were all dead. Then he tried to start the generator and it wouldn't start. The starboard (right side) batteries (or 36 volt system) run the toilets, some of the lights and the battery charger charges the batteries THAT START THE ENGINES. Needless to say, we were dead in the water. Steve took apart the charger and tried to clean off the connections, but nothing worked. He then took apart the generator and tried to get that fixed but nothing. You know when its the day after your washing machine warranty is up and the washer died- it was like that, but of course the warranty was up 38 years ago. I guess it could have been worse- it could have died yesterday when we were being tossed around in the ocean.

So.......... we ordered a control board for the generator and had to order an entire new wall mounted Battery Charger- I capitalize it because anything that costs that much demands respect. When you have to buy something for a boat, figure out the most expensive normal item (say a battery charger) then add a zero. I was shopping on the internet and got prices for the same exact item for between $1800 and $2700. We talked with Paul at Hatteras (made in the USA!!!) and he told us to call Mike at Sams Marine (thanks Mike). Then there is the shipping- $270 for next day and $110 for two day guaranteed. We went for the second option and proceeded to get into some maintenance. With the waves and wind and nats (when I checked in there was a bottle of "no nats.....which of course meant there were nats- I asked the girl at the counter and she said "they hate the wind and rain- they only come out when it's nice"- so if the weather ever improves, we get attacked by nats!!!! Great!!!! I decided that I hated Jekyll Island and couldn't figure out why anyone would ever want to live here......then I went to the store......
Fixing electrical

Fixing second holding tank

Leo- master mechanic on the docks and nice guy!!! He helped Steve with the battery charger
(and no he's not on Duck Dynasty)

old battery charger

New Battery Charger

New control board


  1. I always love reading your blog!!! Sorry for all of the mechanical problems!!

  2. Daniel said, "Good thing Gramma and Gramps made it through!"
