Thursday, April 3, 2014

Crash Corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pitch black!!!!!!

From the marketing pictures of the marina we picked, it said it was oceanfront- NOT! When I called the marina earlier to get directions all we got was turn at the red lighted buoy- we found that and didn't know where to go next- it was scary and pitch black- Steve kept calling channel 16- the Coast Guard channel- and was saying "Hey I need a little help here! I don't know where to go!!!"  I was begging that he just drop anchor because I read that there were areas with rocks and also areas that gave no warning that were really shallow.There were no lighted directional lights showing where to come in the inlet ike there usually were.

We didn't know we would be going into an inlet because I thought it was on the main channel! Anyway, someone- I think it was a fisherman on one of the boats-said "turn to the right you're about to run aground" Then we didn't hear anymore, Then "turn at the unlit red post!"- It's pitch black- you can't see the red marker (really- how much would it cost to put a light on it so no-one crashes???)
Red light that marked the inlet!!!!

Peoples houses in the tight channel-dark

 I ran down and got the flashlight and was trying to see the red  marker and almost blinded Steve because of the glare of the light reflecting against the dodger- Steve was yelling turn off the !*!!** light I can't see anything!!! Of course then someone came back on the line- he told us to look for the tiny light out in the distance next to a house- which we barely saw. He told us that there was the "channel" we were supposed to go for- he said "stay to the right- theres a jetty to the left- the opening was not even big enough for two boats to pass- I figured this couldn't be where we were supposed to go- when we were about 20 yards away we could make out the rocks. I never have been spacealy(sp?) oriented and figured we would be scraping both sides if the rocks didn't cut the bottom of the boat. Steve made it through but it really looked like this wasn't right- this was a residential area- kind of like going down the little canals on Balboa Island- right Bobbi???

rock jetty- unlit!!!
that is the inlet we had to come into last night

We had the lights from people's pool and porch lights to guide us.. and felt lost.

The Harbor Master of the marina we were staying in called and said  "just take a hard left up ahead." Then hung up- we went up the channel and it ended!!
looked like a dead end!!

We called him back and he said that was the right place- there was a 90 degree turn called "crash alley". You couldn't see it- anyway Steve made the tightest turn and came into the narrowest channel with huge boats on either side- you have to call ahead because two regular sized boats couldn't pass.
hard left at "Crash Corner"

Pilings on "dead end" we weren't the only ones that almost crashed!!!
Piling at crash corner w/a giant hunk out of it!

tight channel to the marina- it was even more crowded with huge fishing boats the night before

 By the light of the occasional Tiki Bar Steve was able to make it to the tiny slip....and then he had to turn around and BACK IN. With no help at the dock.... but he made it!!! I was freaked out and he was exhilarated!!! He definitely earned his Master Captain's license that night! There was something wonderful at the hotel connected with the marina......a jacuzzi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twice!!
small dock Steve had to squeeze into- backwards-in the dark!!

The pictures aren't nearly as dramatic because you can actually see them in the day time but you get the idea!!!! Next Islamorada!!!!!! Can't believe we made it!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Choppy water, gorgeous ocean, 137 miles, "Crash Corner" and the craziest marina in the world!!!!!

The we passed the Miami Harbor at 3:30 and the Schaubers landed in Miami at 4:30.

First sunset in the Keys!

We beat them to Miami!! Of course they can drive 60+ miles and hour and we go 10 MPH.

 Steve wanted to go as far as he could- we arrived at Key Largo- 137 miles in one day- a record! after dark.

From the marketing pictures of the marina we picked, it said it was oceanfront- NOT! 

4-2-2014 Palm Beach Harbor- Old Port Marina and Sandpiper's Cove

This was such an amazing marina. The yachts (can't call these babies boats) are meticulously maintained and huge! When we checked in the three lovely gals that run the marina- Sue, Susy and ????? what's the funny gals name? Oh yeah, Kim. Anyway we felt so welcomed! It was an absolutely perfect marina. They even give you a bottle of wine that has the most beautiful label- in a gift bag and another bag to use on your travels-  and coffee in the morning!  Kim said the wine was to calm you down after cruising through the channels  (if we went through all the bridges we would have needed a gallon of wine!) or sea and the coffee was to wake you up after a too fun night!! The docks didn't even need the bumper thingys because the edges are so well padded. The docks were the best built we have seen- Steve was impressed that the screws were perfectly inline- straight as an arrow!! They are so generous- Sue gave me some material to help us navigate the Keys and told me how to pronounce Islamorada so I wouldn't embarrass myself! (The s is silent)

The happy hour in their gorgeous restaurant and bar was from 3-7- my kind of place! The food was to die for. We split a poached pear / greens salad that was amazing and the lightest crunchiest classiest fish and chips- sorry no picture! The presentation was so great when we saw it at the other tables that we changed our mind on what to order! The flakiest mildest freshest fish! Our waitress was darling and sounded exactly like Miley Cyrus- I heard her speak before I saw her and figured she was here on one of the megayachts!

Anyway, cheers to everyone that makes this marina so special! (the guys in the deli were wonderful too!)
Montana Really?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

On the ocean to Palm Beach!!! Mile 1013!

They say that if you have size envy with your boat you shouldn't go to Palm Beach. We're secure, tho! We saw a Loggerhead Turtle that was about six feet across!! Thrilling!!!!! And Sadie and Shanie---- we were actually sweating today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at the color of THAT water!!!!!! Gorgeous!!

Out to the ocean!!!